Updating Results

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C)

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Alexandra Lockhart

6.45 AM

Wake up and get ready for work.

7.15 AM

Leave home and drive to work.

7.25 AM

Arrive at work for Question Time Duty. It’s a sitting week so one member of the Health Branch attends work at 7.30am each morning to monitor requests from the Prime Minister’s Office to update our Question Time Briefs to help prepare the Prime Minister for potential questions in Question Time that day.

7.30 AM

Login, check emails and scan media.

7.50 AM

Prepare a media monitoring email to the Health Branch which includes any hot topics that we will need to keep an eye on ahead of Parliament sitting that day.

8.15 AM

Coordinate input for a meeting agenda between our Executive and the Chief Budget Officer at the Department of Health.

8.30 AM

Start drafting a response to an item of children’s correspondence the Prime Minister has received. 

9.15 AM

Attend our Social Policy Division stand-up. We have these stand-ups three times a week and they are a good chance to highlight what each branch is working on and upcoming events that are being held within the Division and by the diversity networks in PM&C.


9.40 AM

Discuss changes to a brief we are preparing for the Prime Minister with my director.

10.00 AM

Make changes to the brief for the Prime Minister following a discussion with my director.

11.30 AM

Walk to Barton Grocer to buy some snacks for the day.

11.45 AM

Follow up on the meeting agenda and compile input from the branch to send to our Executive.

12.15 PM

Attend meeting with the Chief Budget Officer and Executive team to discuss upcoming Health Budget priorities.

1.00 PM

Take a break and go for a walk around Lake Burley Griffin with a friend.


2.15 PM

Return to the Prime Minister’s brief and make further changes, before brief goes to my Executive tomorrow.  

3.30 PM

Attend high level meeting with Department of Finance and Department of Treasury to discuss upcoming Health Budget priorities.

4.30 PM

Complete administrative tasks including calling my contacts in the Cabinet Division to follow up on a weekly report that I send around to the Health Branch.

5.15 PM

Drive home from work.

6.00 PM

Head to the grocery store and start to plan dinner for the night.